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SEO Reputation Management

SEO Reputation Management

Internet brands can create miracles for companies in reaching customers and making sales. This is the positive side of it. Also, the fact that the flow of the internet is so fast can cause any negative sharing to spread very quickly.

It is now much easier to defame a brand or a company. Moreover, even a single dissatisfied customer can harm the brand with their comments. Online reputation management ensures that all data on the internet about the brand or company are examined and prevented from damaging the reputation.

SEO studies, on the other hand, are all the work done to make a website suitable for search engine criteria. SEO reputation management is about measuring and analyzing how the brand or company presence in the digital environment is perceived. As a result of the analysis, studies are carried out to ensure that the digital asset is best perceived by the users.

Methods That Can Be Used in SEO Reputation Management
SEO techniques are needed to evaluate all shares in all digital channels in terms of brand value. It is necessary to examine content sessions, internet news, forum conversations instantly. Some of the tools that can be used for SEO reputation management are as follows;

Tarackur; It is the tool that sends instant notification when the brand is mentioned. It is also used for keyword research.


ReviewTrackers; Analyzes customer feedback. It finds what is spoken about you on the sites and sends it to you.

Naymz; It measures activity on social networks. It allows analysis of followers’ reactions.

Ranking; It allows to report the thoughts of the target audience about the products and services. It is one of the best social media monitoring tools.

Social Mention; It is a free tool for measuring brand equity, competitor analysis and keyword research.

Reputation Ranger; Provides industry-focused analysis and reports. It analyzes and reports sites in the tourism, restaurants, bars, automotive sales and service, residential sales sectors.


Review Concierge; It is an analysis tool that can be used in the health sector. Analyzes what is said about the brand in the contents of health sites.

E-Commerce SEO Reputation Management
Reputation management is more important in e-commerce. Reviews about products should be followed at all times. Disliking a product on social media causes negative thoughts about the product in a short time. While managing reputation in e-commerce, it is necessary to pay special attention to customer comments. Negative comments or complaints may appear in the first place in the search engine. Therefore, efforts should be made to solve these problems immediately. The analysis tools mentioned above will be very useful for e-commerce sites. Customer reviews, competitors’ comments, brand name appearing anywhere can be learned instantly in this way.
