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What is Donation and Why is it Important?

What is Donation and Why is it Important?

Donation campaigns, which come to the fore on special days, especially on holidays and the new year, actually continue throughout the year. Donating not only makes a great contribution to those in need but also brings many invisible benefits for the donor. Moreover, donating is much easier than before thanks to technology. Here are ways to donate easily…

What is a Donation and Why is it Important?

Unrequited aid to people in need through organizations such as associations and foundations can be defined as donations. Donations are divided into cash donations and in-kind donations. Cash donation, as the name suggests, with money; In-kind donations are made as goods or services. The best way to reach and help those who are more disadvantaged than us around the world is to donate.

Donation doesn’t just make a difference in a single person’s life; contributes to equality of opportunity on a social and even global scale. With a small donation, you can support the fight against hunger or the treatment of sick children, and leave a mark for a greener world. If you also want to donate but can’t decide where to start, you can read our article titled Ways to Donate Consciously.

What are the Benefits of Donating?

Donating is one of the best ways to help. The donation, which is indispensable for a sustainable world where equality prevails, also has benefits for the donors besides the people and organizations that are the subject of the donation. Here are a few of these benefits:

Donating brings happiness


​The idea of ​​doing something for the good of the world and people feels good to the donor. According to a 2014 study, the midbrain region associated with pleasure activates in the brains of people who donate. In other words, the region that activates when you eat chocolate also works actively when you donate. In short, donating makes you happy.

Teaches children about generosity

If you have a child, you can share your donation experience with them. This experience can form a belief in them from an early age that they can create positive changes in the world. Children who see their parents as role models grow into adults who are more generous in helping and donating to others. You can teach your child the importance of sharing by making donations a family tradition.

Can You Donate While Using Your Credit Card?

If you want to donate but cannot decide who and how to donate, you can also benefit from the opportunities of technology. It is possible to donate to foundations, associations, or non-governmental organizations by rounding up the fractions of all your shopping with your credit cards and debit cards and choosing the pennies in between. The Round app rounds the fractions up to the next full amount in your shopping and transfers the difference to the organizations you choose as donations. You can choose any of the associations, foundations, and non-governmental organizations that can be supported.

To donate with Roll, first, download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Identify the organization you want to support. Define your credit or debit card to the application. After that, Roundup will automatically round up every time you purchase by asking you for fractions or up to the monthly limit you set, without asking you, and the remaining amount (minimum 1 cent, maximum 99 cent) will be transferred to the organization you choose as a donation. For example, you can round the fractional amount of $77.95 you paid for a shirt you purchased to $78, and donate the difference of $0.05 you pay extra to the non-governmental organization of your choice within the application, and support the creation of a more livable world with your pennies.


If you wish, you can visit the website to get more detailed information about the application and start donating immediately.

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